Refereed International Journals
- JC McCallum and RW
Nicholls, Franck-Condon Factors and Related Quantities for the
Fox-Duffendack-Barker and Ultraviolet Doublet Band Systems of CO2+,
J Phys B: Atom and Molec Phys (UK) 4, pp 1096-1101, 1971.
JC McCallum and RW
Nicholls, Relative Intensity Measurements on the
Fox-Duffendack-Barker and the Ultra-violet doublet band systems of
CO2+, J Phys B: Atom Molec Phys (UK) 5, pp 1417-1426, 1972.
JC McCallum, Computational
Study of the Accuracy of the R-Centroid Approximation, JQSRT (UK)
21, pp 563-572, 1979.
JC McCallum and TS
Chua, A Synthetic Instruction Mix for Evaluating Microprocessor
Performance, IEEE Micro (USA), pp 63-80, June 1987.
JC McCallum, K
Ranai and B Srinivasan, Estimating Network Communication Speeds for
Office Automation, Computer Communications (UK), Vol 13, #2, pp
99-107, March 1990.
J Diaz-Tay, N Jyasinge, PW
Lucas, JC McCallum and JT Jones, Association Between Surface
Electromyography of Human Jaw-Closing Muscle and Quantified Food
Breakdown, Archives of Oral Biology (UK), Vol 36, #12, pp 893-898,
December 1991.
EL Lim, JC McCallum
and KH Chan, Production-graph: A graph theoretical model for
checking knowledge base anomalies, International Journal on
Artificial Intelligence Tools (World Scientific, Singapore), Vol 1,
#4, pp 563-595, December 1992.
Refereed Local Journals
JC McCallum, Workstations:
Technology Based Tools, Information Technology (Singapore), Vol
3(3), pp 9-23, September 1990.
Non-refereed International Journals
JC McCallum, The S 100
Forum, BYTE Magazine (USA), pp 148 151, March 1978.
JC McCallum, Human Factors
Engineering Needed?, Letter to the editor, BYTE Magazine (USA), May
1978, pp 151 152.
Olav Naess and John
C McCallum, Technical Forum A Letter Exchange: Extending the
S 100 Bus?, BYTE Magazine (USA), pp 12, August 1978.
JC McCallum, The Altair
680 Bus Structure, Interface Age Magazine (USA), pp 14 19, July
JC McCallum, The Sinclair
Research ZX80, BYTE Magazine (USA), Vol 6, #1, pp 94 102,
January 1981.
JC McCallum, Computers in
the Office of the Future, OPTIMUM (Ministry of Supply and Services,
Canada), Vol 13, #4, pp 63-81, October 1982.
TS Chua and JC
McCallum, Using Microcomputers in Computer Education, ACM SIGCSE
Bulletin (USA), Vol 16, #4, pp 25 33, December 1984.
JC McCallum, Maintenance
of Expert Systems: Life Cycle Validity, ACM SIGART Newsletter
(USA), Number 94, pp 26 27, October 1985.
JC McCallum, Benchmark
results for microcomputers and large computers, Data Processing
(UK), Vol 28 No 8, pp 426 433, October 1986.
JC McCallum, Information
Density of Office Books, SIGOIS Bulletin (USA), Vol 10, #3, pp
14-27, July 1989.
Conference Papers
JC McCallum, Computers in
the Office of the Future, Computer Science Association, Session I,
Learned Societies Conference '78, University of Western Ontario, May
JC McCallum, Management
Evolution With Computers, talk at Asia Pacific Conference on
Management Services, Institute of Management Services (Singapore),
"Management Services The Key to Higher Productivity",
Hotel Equatorial, Singapore, 19 August 1982.
JC McCallum, Computer
Education: Reminiscence and Rationalisation, at ASAIHL Seminar on
Pedagogics of Computer Education, Universiti Sains Penang, Malaysia,
November 7, 1983.
JL Clark, KT Lua
and JC McCallum, Using Zipf's Law to Analyse the Rank Frequency in
Chinese Text, 1986 International Conference on Chinese Computing,
Proceedings, pp 321 324, ISS, NUS, August 22, 1986.
JC McCallum, Networking
and Communication of Micros, Minis and Mainframes in the
Organizational Environment, at The International Information
Management Conference, Raffles City, Singapore, August 29, 1986.
JL Clark, KT Lua
and J McCallum, Applicability of Zipf's Law in the Chinese Language
Environment, 1989 International Symposium on Chinese Text
Processing, Proceedings pp 4-3 to 4-7, Boca Raton, Florida USA,
March 16-17, 1989.
JC McCallum, Office
Automation Effectiveness and Diversity, Proceedings of the Office
Automation Seminar'89, pp 1-5, Communications International
Associates Pte Ltd, Raffles City Convention Centre, Singapore, 16
November 1989.
EL Lim, JC
McCallum, KH Chan, P-graph: A graph model for anomaly checking of
knowledge bases, in Proceedings of the 2nd International IEEE
Conference on Tools for Artificial Intelligence '90, 6-9 November
1990, Hyatt Hotel, Dules Interantional airport, Herndon VA USA,
edited by Apostolos Dollas, WT Tsai and Nikolaos G Bourbakis, pp
871-877, IEEE Computer Society Press, 1990.
PW Lucas, J
Diaz-Tay, JC McCallum, RKK Ow, Monitoring Mastication in Normal
Human Subjects in Relation to Food Texture, in Proceedings of the
6th International Conference on Biomedical Engineering, pp 370-372,
JCH Goh and A Nather editors, published by the Faculties of
Engineering and Medicine, National University of Singapore, December
6-8, 1990.
Other Publications A. Books, Chapters, and Theses
JC McCallum, Vibrational
Transition Probability Parameters for Molecular Band Systems, PhD
Thesis, York University, Toronto, August 1972.
- JC
McCallum, Guest Editor, Special Issue on Workstations, Information
Technology, Journal of the Singapore Computer Society, Vol 3(3),
(Introduction, pages 7-8) September 1990.
- SJ
Chua and JC McCallum, editors, Optical Data Storage
Technologies (APCOT'90 Conference Proceedings, 22-27 October 1990,
Singapore) SPIE Volume 1401, ISBN 0 8194 0484 5,
Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (USA), 1991.
EL Lim, JC McCallum,
KH Chan, Production-graph: A graph theoretical model for checking
knowledge base anomalies, in Knowledge Engineering Shells: Systems
and Techniques, edited by Nikolaos G. Bourbakis. Advanced Series on
Artifical Intelligence, Volume 2, pp 487-522. Singapore: World
Scientific, 1993.
TS Chua and JC
McCallum, Multimedia Modeling, in Encyclopedia of Computer Science
and Technology - Volume 35 Supplement 20, A Kent, JG Williams, CM
Hall, R Kent, editors, Marcel Dekker, New York, pp 253-287, 1996.
JC McCallum,
Price-Performance of Computer Technology, chapter 4 in The Computer
Engineering Handbook (first edition), Vojin G. Oklobdzija, editor, CRC Press, Boca
Raton, Florida, USA, pp 4:1-18, 2002.
Other Publications B. Technical Reports
JC McCallum, WR
Jarmain and RW Nicholls, Franck Condon Factors and Related
Quantities for Diatomic Molecular Band Systems, CRESS Spectroscopic
Report #1, York University, March 1970.
WR Jarmain and JC
McCallum, TRAPRB, A Computer Programme for Molecular
Transitions, Department of Physics, University of Western Ontario,
December 1970.
JC McCallum and RW
Nicholls, Franck Condon Factors and Related Quantities I.
Additional Diatomic Molecular Band Systems of BCl, BeH, BeH+, FeO,
K2, MgO, SiS, SO and TiO, CRESS Spectroscopic Report #2, York
University, October 1971.
JC McCallum, WR
Jarmain and RW Nicholls, Franck Condon Factors and Related
Quantities II. Additional Diatomic Molecular Band Systems of N2,
CRESS Spectroscopic Report #3, York University, March 1972.
JC McCallum, RW
Nicholls and WR Jarmain, Franck Condon Factors and Related
Quantities III. Additional Diatomic Molecular Band Systems of NO and
NO+, CRESS Spectroscopic Report #4, York University, May 1972.
JC McCallum, RW
Nicholls and WR Jarmain, Franck Condon Factors and Related
Quantities IV. Additional Diatomic Molecular Band Systems of CO and
CO+, CRESS Spectroscopic Report #5, York University, August 1972.
EL Lim, WW Tsang
and JC McCallum, A Graph Model for Checking Consistency and
Completeness of Production Rules, DISCS Technical Report No TRB8/86,
National University of Singapore, August 1986.
JL Clark, KT Lua,
and JC McCallum, Using Zipf's Law to Analyze the Rank Frequency
Distribution of Elements in Chinese Text, DISCS Technical Report
TRG9/86, National University of Singapore, September, 1986.
Kenneth C L Seah
and John C McCallum, Time Delays in Data Flow Designs, DISCS
Technical Report No TRA6/87, National University of Singapore, June
John C McCallum,
Information Density of Office Books, DISCS Technical Report No
TR12/88, National University of Singapore, December 1988.
John C McCallum
and Chee-Sing Yap, A Survey of Singapore Offices, DISCS Technical
Report No TRB3/89, National University of Singapore, March 1989.
John McCallum, Indexing
of Multimedia Information, DISCS Technical Report No TR31/89,
National University of Singapore, November 1989.
David J Steele and
John McCallum, Design and Optimization of LISP Interpreters, DISCS
Technical Report No TRB2/90, National University of Singapore,
February 1990.
Other Publications C. General
JC McCallum, Bukara
Inshalla, York Communique, York University, Toronto, Canada, pp 7 8,
May 1975.
JC McCallum, The Second
National Computer Conference, DPC Bulletin #11, pp 3-6, UPM Data
Processing Center, Saudi Arabia, December 1975.
JC McCallum, The Second
National Computer Conference, Tower Magazine, UPM Science Club, Vol
4, pp 5 9, Saudi Arabia, January 1976.
JC McCallum,
Mini computers Which is best?, DPC Newsletter, UPM
Dhahran, SA, Vol 1, #2, pp 3, Saudi Arabia, May 1976.
JC McCallum, Computer
Seminar Series Reports, DPC Newsletter, UPM Dhahran, SA, Vol 1, #3,
pp 4 9, Saudi Arabia, June 1976. Topics: Computer Systems and
File Management, Desk Top Computers, Software Engineering,
Input output Devices, Memory Systems.
JC McCallum, DataBase
Management, DPC Newsletter, UPM Dhahran, SA, Vol 2 #2, pp 8, Saudi
Arabia, October 1976.
JC McCallum, The Computer
System Getting It All Together, The Third National Computer
Conference Proceedings, King Abdul-Aziz University, Jeddah, Saudi
Arabia, February 1977.
JC McCallum, The Computer
Hobbyist, DPC Newsletter, UPM Dhahran, SA, Vol 2,#5, pp 1 3,
Saudi Arabia, February 1977.
JC McCallum, The Third
National Computer Conference, DPC Newsletter, UPM, Dhahran, Saudi
Arabia, Vol 2, #7, pp 9-11, April 1977.
JC McCallum, Personal
Computing, Tower Magazine, UPM Science Club, Vol 8, pp 21 25,
Saudi Arabia, May June 1977.
JC McCallum, Personal
Computing, DCS Newsletter, York University, Vol 9, #7, pp 180 181,
September October 1977.
JC McCallum, Personal
Computing, DCS Newsletter, York University, Vol 9, #8, pp 202 203,
November 1977.
JC McCallum, Another
Giant Step in Micro computing, DCS Newsletter, York University,
Vol 10, #3, pp 41 42, April 1978.
JC McCallum, Computers in
Education A New Approach, DCS Newsletter, York University,
Vol 10, #4, pp 55, May June 1978.
JC McCallum, Easy
Documentation, DCS Newsletter, York University, Vol 10, #7, pp
98 100, October 1978.
JC McCallum, Implications
of New Technology and Microcomputers, DCS Newsletter, York
University, April 1979, pp 34 35.
JC McCallum, Introduction
to Microprocessors, Human Computing Resources, Inc., Toronto,
Canada, June 1979.
JC McCallum, New
Microelectronics, Microsystems and Personal Computers, DCS
Newsletter, York University, Vol 12, #3, pp 41 43, 1980.
JC McCallum, "What's
New?" Column, DCS Newsletter, York University, March 1981, pp
22, April 1981, pp 39, May June 1981, pp 53.
JC McCallum, The SNOBOL4
Programming Language, Micronews (Singapore), pp 24 27, January
JC McCallum, The Impact
of The Microchip What is the Impact?, Singapore Scientist,
Vol 9, #2, pp 52-55, June 1983.
JC McCallum, Report on
Microcomputer UNIX Systems, for Systematic Business Training Centre
Pte, Ltd, Singapore, October 5, 1983.
JC McCallum, Introduction
to Microcomputers Laboratory Manual, DISCS, National University of
Singapore, November 10, 1984.
LS Hsu, JC
McCallum and KT Lua, Report on Computer Strategy for the Industrial
and Commercial Bank Group, Singapore, July, 1986.
JC McCallum, What IS
Important in Office Automation, The Singapore Professionals, Vol 11
#1, pp 19-27, Oct-Dec 1986.
JC McCallum, Office
Automation - The Important Features, The CIDB Review (Singapore),
Vol 3, #2, pp 57-63, April-June, 1987.
John McCallum, What's in
a Chart, Charts for Investors (Singapore), Vol 1, #4, pp 43-44,
September 18, 1989.
John McCallum, The new
32-bit OSs: How good are they?, The Computer Times, The Straits
Times, May 4, 1994, pp 16-17.
John McCallum, UnixWare 2
supports many simultaneous users [plus: Alternative UNIX operating
systems; and, The Linux Challenge], The Computer Times, The Straits
Times, July 5, 1995, pp 26-27.
Talks (with no proceedings/publications)
JC McCallum and RW
Nicholls, The Franck Condon Principle and Polyatomic Molecules,
Canadian Association of Physicists, Carleton University, June 24,
1971, paper #EC7 (abstract: Physics in Canada, Vol 27, #4, pp 54,
JC McCallum and RW
Nicholls, Relative Intensity Measurements on the
Fox Duffendack Barker and Ultra violet doublet Band
systems of CO2+, 25th Gaseous Electronics Conference, University of
Western Ontario (Canada), October 19, 1972, paper #KC4, (abstract:
Bull Amer Phys Soc Vol 18, pp 809 810, 1973).
JC McCallum, Personal
Computing Computer Science Seminar Series, York University,
November 18, 1978.
JC McCallum,
Micro computers Have Come of Age?, Professional Development
Seminar, Computer Science Department, University of Western Ontario,
November 25, 1977.
JC McCallum,
Micro computers Past, Present and Future, Toronto
Regional Association of Computer Enthusiasts (TRACE), Ontario
Science Centre (Canada), February 12, 1978.
JC McCallum, Computational
Study of the Accuracy of the R Centroid Approximation,
Molecular Spectroscopy Symposium, Ohio State University (USA), June
15, 1978 (abstract: paper #RB 13, pp 125, abstract book).
JC McCallum,
Micro computer Bus Structures, TRACE, Ontario Science Centre
(Canada), November 12, 1978.
JC McCallum, Development
of the Micro computer, Keynote address of Micro Computer
Seminar, Business and Management Continuing Education, Fanshaw
College, London, Canada, November 30, 1978.
JC McCallum, Robotics,
talk at Microelectronics and the Worker Conference, Ontario
Federation of Labour, April 24, 1981, Westbury Hotel, Toronto,
JC McCallum, Energy
Conservation and Utilization in the Information Age, talk at Seminar
on Trends and Developments in Energy Control and Conservation, for
Management & Scientific Logistics Pte Ltd, World Trade Centre,
Singapore, September 18, 1981.
JC McCallum, The State of
the Art in Computers, talk at Microcomputers in Scientific Teaching
and Research, Faculty of Science, National University of Singapore,
November 20, 1981.
JC McCallum, Preparing
for a Career in Computers, for People's Association of Singapore,
Buona Vista Community Centre, June 30, 1982.
JC McCallum, An
Introduction to FAST Microcomputers, for Institute of Physics
(Singapore), National University of Singapore, September 3, 1982.
JC McCallum, An
Introduction to Computers, talk at Seminar on Effective Management
Systems in Medical Centres, for Hebron Interexpo, Century Park
Sheraton Hotel, Singapore, October 23, 1982.
JC McCallum, High
Performance Microcomputers, talk at Microcomputer Workshop, Faculty
of Science, National University of Singapore, November 18, 1982.
JC McCallum, Office
Automation for Science, talk at Microcomputer Workshop, Faculty of
Science, National University of Singapore, November 19, 1982.
JC McCallum, Introduction
to Robots, talk at Industrial Robotics Application and Leasing
Conference, for Robotics Management Consultancy, Hyatt Regency
Hotel, Singapore, January 28 29, 1983.
JC McCallum, The Impact
of the Microchip What is the Impact?, Science Centre Forum on
the Impact of the Microchip, Anglo Chinese Junior College,
Singapore, April 20, 1983.
JC McCallum, The Computer
as a Management Information Tool, The Far East Office Automation
Conference '83, Hilton Hotel, Singapore, August 24, 1983.
JC McCallum, Supermicros,
at IEEE NUS Student Branch Seminar on Microprocessors and
Microcomputers, National University of Singapore, September 28,
JC McCallum, Computer
Matching, at CACS Forum on Courtship and Marriage, National
University of Singapore, November 25, 1983.
TS Chua and JC
McCallum, Using Microcomputers in Computer Education, at NUS/UNESCO
Workshop on the Use of Microcomputers in Computer Education,
National University of Singapore, February 22 24, 1984.
JC McCallum, The Impact
of Technology in Singapore, at National Education Course, Ministry
of Education, National University of Singapore, March 8, 1984.
JC McCallum,
Microcomputers 1985+, at Anglo Chinese Junior College
(Singapore), February 6, 1985.
JC McCallum, The UNIX
Operating System, UNIX panelist in "PICK Operating Systems vs
UNIX Operating Systems" session at MICROS'84, Mandarin Hotel,
Singapore, September 19, 1984.
JC McCallum, Speech
Recognition, for Singapore Microcomputer Society, Singapore
Conference Hall, March 28, 1985.
JC McCallum,
Microcomputers 1985, at Anglo Chinese Junior College,
Singapore, February 6, 1985.
JC McCallum, Analog to
Digital Conversion, at International Workshop on Microcomputer
Interfacing to Instruments, DISCS, National University of Singapore,
June 5, 1985.
JC McCallum, Serial
Communications for Microcomputers, at International Workshop on
Microcomputer Interfacing to Instruments, DISCS, National University
of Singapore, June 6, 1985.
JC McCallum, Modems, talk
at SINIX UUCP Network Workshop, National University of Singapore,
September 26, 1985.
JC McCallum,
Microcomputers and Office Automation, Session SD1 at MICROS'86,
Mandarin Hotel, Singapore, March 23, 1986.
JC McCallum, What is
Important in Office Automation, at the Seminar on Productivity and
the Professional, Singapore Professional Centre, (held at Shangri La
Hotel, Singapore), 29 July, 1986.
Seminar Chairman, Trends
and Developments in Energy Control and Utilization, Management and
Scientific Logistics Pte Ltd, World Trade Centre, Singapore,
September 17 18, 1981.
Seminar Chairman,
International Equipment Leasing and Financing Seminar, Hebron
Interexpo, World Trade Centre, Singapore, February 25 26, 1982.
Seminar Chairman,
Effective Management Systems in Medical Centres, Hebron Interexpo,
Century Park Sheraton Hotel, Singapore, October 22 24, 1982.
Conference Chairman,
Industrial Robotics Application and Leasing, Robotics Management
Consultancy, Hyatt Regency Hotel, Singapore, January 28 29,
Chairman, Session III,
Seminar on Computer Education in ASAIHL Universities, The
Association of Southeast Asian Institutions of Higher Learning,
National University of Singapore, March 18 19, 1983.
Session Chairman, (F3
Local Area Networks), MICROS'84, Mandarin Hotel, Singapore, 19 22
September 1984.
Chairman, AM Session of
the Inter Departmental Seminar on Artificial Intelligence,
DISCS, National University of Singapore, 15 November 1985.
Deputy Chairman, IEEE
Computer Society, Singapore Section, 1985/86.
Session Chairman, (T1
Workstation Concept), MICROS'86, Mandarin Hotel, Singapore, 20 23
March 1986.
Session Chairman, (I4.2
Network and Communications), The International Information
Management Conference, Raffles City, August 29, 1986.
Seminar Chairman, Office
Automation Seminar 1989, Communications International Associates Pte
Ltd, Westin Hotel, Singapore, 16 November 1989.
Organizing and Program Committees
Member of the local and
advisory committees for the Royal Society of Canada Symposium on
Computers and Society, Prospects for Man Computers and
Society, Moot Court, Osgoode Hall Law School, York University, June
9 10, 1980.
Chairman of the Organizing
Committee, UNESCO Workshop on the Use of Microcomputers in Computer
Education, National University of Singapore, February 22 24,
Conference Organizing
Committee Member, MICROS'84, Mandarin Hotel, Singapore, 19 22
September 1984.
Conference Organizing
Committee Member, MICROS'86, Mandarin Hotel, Singapore, 20 23
March 1986.
Organizing Committee
Member, IEEE Workshop on Languages for Automation, ISS, NUS,
Singapore, August 25 29, 1986.
Organizing Committee and
Program Committee Member, Computer Graphics International 1990
(CGI'90), ISS, Singapore, June 26-30, 1990.
Organizing Committee
Member, and SPIE Program Committee Representative, Asia-Pacific
Conference on Optical Technology 1990 (APCOT'90), Marina Mandarin
Hotel, Singapore, October 22-27, 1990.
Organizing Committee
Member, Multi-Media Modeling '93 (MMM'93), Singapore, November 8-12,
Organizing Committee
Member, Multi-Media Modeling '95 (MMM'95), Singapore, November
14-17, 1995.
Program Committee Member,
The 1996 Asia-Pacific Software Engineering Conference (APSEC'96),
Seoul, Korea, December 4-7, 1996.
Organizing Committee
Member, Multi-Media Modeling '97 (MMM'97), Singapore, November
17-20, 1997.
Program Committee Member,
The 1997 Asia-Pacific Software Engineering Conference (APSEC'97),
Hong Kong, December 2-5, 1997.
Organizing Committee
Member, Pacific Graphics '98 (PG'98), Singapore, October 26-29,
Program Committee Member,
The 1998 Asia-Pacific Software Engineering Conference (APSEC'98),
Taipei, Taiwan, December 1-4, 1998.
Program Committee Member,
The 1999 Asia-Pacific Software Engineering Conference (APSEC'99),
Takamatsu, Japan, December 7-10, 1999.
Tutorial Chair, and
Organizing Committee Member, The 2000 Asia-Pacific Software
Engineering Conference (APSEC'2000), Singapore, December 5-8, 2000.